
Bus Depot
Wirelessly network devices on a fleet of buses and seamlessly transmit information with a central location.

Light Rail
Provide central control center remote access/control/monitoring of outdoor equipment such as rail signaling, video surveillance, message display boards within the light rail station.

Railroad Crossing
Railroads have always been an important way of life. It has allowed for a quick and easy way to transport people, animals, food, fuel, and other goods across cities, counties, and states. Along the railway path, there are railroad crossing systems at intersections.
These railroad crossings were built with safety in mind and to act as a barrier against intrusion. It is crucial the railroad crossing systems are always networked correctly otherwise accidents can occur.

Traffic Monitoring
A traffic controller is able to utilize input statistics and information from sensors and other devices to provide data about the number of vehicles and pedestrians waiting at a traffic intersection. An industrial Ethernet switch can expand the number
of connection points for all Ethernet-based field equipment. Beyond standard connections,industrial Power over Ethernet (PoE) switches can provide power to cameras, wireless access points and other devices. The traffic controller can then use data to make
adjustments by lengthening green lights or skipping turn signal phases when no vehicle is present in order to alleviate traffic.

Passenger Rail
To provide an effective means of transporting large populations safely and in a timely manner to their destinations, extensive data collection that is accurate, reliable and real-time is required. Therefore, the most critical component of a passenger rail’s
automated system is its industrial networking infrastructure or backbone. This infrastructure connects components such as crosswalks, message display signs, PA systems, automated ticketing kiosks, train status displays, and cameras. Edge level network connections
must be able to satisfy serial, Ethernet, fiber optic and wireless needs. All data from these edge devices need to be communicated in real-time between stations, traffic intersections, and other outside areas that may come into contact with the rail system.
Due to heavy vibration, connectivity devices that utilize M12 connectors greatly mitigate the chances of lost connections. If there are failures within a segment of the infrastructure, the effects can quickly propagate causing delays.